Author: Andreza Moon
Title: Queen Laurwiss
Description of the work: This visual work depicts the moving journey of a MISS AFRICA 2017 winner who, after her initial glory, faces the withdrawal of her crown due to the revelation of her pregnancy. It evokes an emotional duality, from the melancholy of loss to vibrant resilience, represented by a color palette that shifts from deep blue to vitality. The protagonist, alone in the United States, personifies all African women, embodying their struggles, abuses and triumphs. This photograph is more than an artistic representation; it is a powerful visual symbol of human strength in the face of adversity.” Somos três artistas que se uniram para celebrar a beleza , a influência , a história e tudo que as mulheres africanas já passaram e sobreviveram.
Photographer: Julius Perl – Ikonas Photography
Body painter & concept: Andreza Moon
Model: Laurwiss Nsenga
Dimensions: 16 x 20 in.
Medium: Photography